Engine Update: 911 Porsche Carrera And BMW 2002 Motors

911 Porsche Carrera Engine
911 Porsche Carrera Engine
911 Porsche Carrera Engine
911 Porsche Carrera Motor
911 Porsche Carrera Motor

The above two photos are of the complete 911 Porsche Carrera motor which will be placed in the John Galt Racing Porsche 914 (in development). The 914 is being rebuilt from the ground up for racing.

BMW 2002 Engine
BMW 2002 Engine
BMW 2002 Motor
BMW 2002 Motor

The above two photos are of the backup and/or replacement motor for the existing John Galt Racing 1974 BMW model 2002. Work is still progressing on this motor although it is nearly completed and awaiting final assembly.